

Please refer to the tables below for each markets and asset classes trading times; market events and market closed days.

Forex CFD’s

The forex CFD (Contract for Difference) markets are open 24 hours a day, five days a week, providing traders with extensive opportunities for trading. The trading week begins on Sunday evening in the Asian markets and continues through to Friday evening in the American markets. This continuous operation allows traders to react to global economic events and news as they unfold, making it a highly liquid and dynamic market. However, it is essential to note that there may be variations in trading activity and volatility during different trading sessions, with the most active periods typically occurring when major financial centres overlap, such as the London-New York session. There are also periods of low liquidity at the start of each week open and towards the weeks close and you should manage the risks accordingly.

Assetise CFD Platform: Opening Monday 00:03:00 and closing Friday 23:57:00

Stocks & ETFs

Stock and share CFD (Contract for Difference) trading hours depend on the underlying assets and the provision of pricing by our liquidity providers. Generally, CFDs on individual stocks and shares mirror the trading hours of the respective stock exchanges. For example, if you're trading CFDs on U.S. stocks like Apple or Google, you'll typically follow the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or NASDAQ trading hours, which are usually from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

Assetise CFD Platform: Opening Monday 00:03:00 and closing Friday 23:57:00

*Stocks & Shares pricing is subject to the opening and close of the respective exchanges they are listed on and the provision of pricing by our liquidity providers.


Commodity CFDs (Contract for Difference) are typically traded during specific market hours that align with the underlying commodity markets. These trading hours can vary depending on the commodity being traded. For instance, popular commodities like crude oil and gold often have extended trading hours due to their global demand. Generally, commodity CFDs follow the trading hours of the relevant commodity exchanges. Precious metals like gold and silver can be traded nearly 24 hours a day, five days a week. Agricultural and energy commodities often have more limited trading hours, reflecting the times when their respective markets are active. Our availability of pricing and liquidity will reflect the prevailing CFD market conditions for each commodity.

Assetise CFD Platform: Opening 00:03:00 and closing Friday 23:57:00


Indices CFDs (Contract for Difference) are traded during specific hours that correspond to the underlying stock market indices they track. The trading hours can vary depending on the index. Major indices like the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and FTSE 100 generally follow the trading hours of their respective stock exchanges. Typically, trading starts when the underlying exchange opens and ends when it closes. For example, the S&P 500 CFD would follow the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) trading hours, typically from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

Assetise CFD Platform Opening 00:03:00 and closing 23:57:00


Cryptocurrency markets operate 24/7, unlike traditional stock markets with specific trading hours. This continuous trading is a hallmark of the crypto world. Assetise exchange: open 24/7*

*From time to time, due to essential server maintenance or upgrades to the system we may be required to take the platform offline. However, clients will be notified prior to this happening.


Market Events

Event Country Date Exchange
Labor Day Canada 04.09.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
Labor Day United States 04.09.23 New York Stock Exchange
Respect for the aged day Japan 18.09.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Autumn Equinox Japan 23.09.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Mid-Autumn Festival China 29.09.23 Shanghai Stock Exchange
Mid-Autumn Festival Hong Kong 29.09.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
October market holidays 2023
National Day China 1.10.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
National Day China 1.10.23 Shanghai Stock Exchange
Independence Day Cyprus 1.10.23 Cyprus Stock Exchange
National Day China 5.10.23 Shanghai Stock Exchange
National Day China 6.10.23 Shanghai Stock Exchange
National Day China 7.10.23 Shanghai Stock Exchange
Thanksgiving day Canada 9.10.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
Health-Sports Day Japan 9.10.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Chung Yeung Day China 23.10.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
November market holidays 2023
Culture Day Japan 3.11.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Deepavali/Diwali Singapore 12.11.23 Singapore Stock Exchange
Labor Thanksgiving Day Japan 23.11.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
Thanks Giving Day United States 23.11.23 New York Stock Exchange
Black Friday United States 24.11.23 New York Stock Exchange
December market holidays 2023
Christmas Eve (early close) Australia 24.12.23 Australia Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve (early close) The United Kingdom 24.12.23 London Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve Germany 24.12.23 Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve Italy 24.12.23 Milan Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve (early close) Canada 24.12.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve Cyprus 24.12.23 Cyprus Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve (early close) The United States 24.12.23 New York Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve (early close) Singapore 24.12.23 Singapore Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve (early close) France 24.12.23 Paris Stock Exchange
Christmas Eve Switzerland 24.12.23 Switzerland Stock Exchange
Christmas Australia 25.12.23 Australia Stock Exchange
Christmas United Kingdom 25.12.23 London Stock Exchange
Christmas Germany 25.12.23 Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Christmas Hong Kong 25.12.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Christmas Italy 25.12.23 Milan Stock Exchange
Christmas Canada 25.12.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
Christmas Cyprus 25.12.23 Cyprus Stock Exchange
Christmas United States 25.12.23 New York Stock Exchange
Christmas Singapore 25.12.23 Singapore Stock Exchange
Christmas France 25.12.23 Paris Stock Exchange
Christmas Switzerland 25.12.23 Switzerland Stock Exchange
Christmas Break United Kingdom 27.12.23 London Stock Exchange
Christmas Break Hong Kong 27.12.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Christmas Break Canada 27.12.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
Boxing Day United Kingdom 26.12.23 London Stock Exchange
Boxing Day Canada 26.12.23 Toronto Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve (early close) Australia 31.12.23 Australia Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve (early close) United Kingdom 31.12.23 London Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve Germany 31.12.23 Frankfurt Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve (early close) Hong Kong 31.12.23 Hong Kong Stock Exchange
National Leave Italy 31.12.23 Milan Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve (early close) France 31.12.23 Paris Stock Exchange
New Year′s Eve Switzerland 31.12.23 Switzerland Stock Exchange
Exchange Holiday Japan 31.12.23 Tokyo Stock Exchange
December market holidays 2023
tes test 13.11.2023 rets
Christmas Eve (early close) Australia 24.12.2023 Australia Stock Exchange